Listening to the Fire Smoke


Acrylic ink on Wood Assemblage

10” x 10”


This series is based on the beautiful song “Promise is a Pendulum” by Big Thief. I fell in love with the beautiful lyrics which explored failed relationships, longing, and building back the pieces. I encourage you to follow the link provided to listen to it in its entirety.

Listening to the fire smoke: This lyric intrigued me because of the use of “smoke” as a verb, an action. The smoke is a result of burning, in many ways destroying something living. The aftermath becoming an action makes it seem less passive, a thing one can grasp and take control of, or rather taking back control. So to me it speaks of taking loss back and actively recognizing, appreciating and coming to terms with what once was. It’s also acknowledging the fleeting nature of life, just like a wisp of smoke.


I Can Bear Any Pain as Long as it Has Meaning


I Could Never Build an Earthworm, Make the World Turn